Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Onions, potatoes and tomatoes

We wake up at 5.20 and get picked up 7 (back home I struggle to get up at 7). Off to Nelspruit again. Me, Susanna, Markus and Joni work in the store room all day, putting vegetables and fruits in bags (we get very good at undoing knots cos plans and amounts of bags keep changing) which will be given out on Thursday. We have a swell time with the fruits singing finnish melancolic songs (Lapin luonto luo outoa taikaa.. Ma joka paiva toita teen, joka ainoa aamu seitsemaksi meen..)

Being there is a bit overwhelming. I love it. But the needs are huge. I wonder how they see us, coming from a richer country, being white.. How could I understand them? But fortunately God does. He knows the Jewels (as the manager of the place calls the homeless people they serve). I am very impressed by their work, the delicious meals they serve, how devotedly they serve.

Mom´s soon coming to pick me up, I am visiting the pastor´s (Markus, Joni, Laura and Juha stay here) .. Markus is playing cards on the floor next to me and Joni is preparing something to say in the church on Sunday..

Ok, pumpkin carriage is here. Gotta run.



Unknown said...

Terkkuja Jonille ja muillekin! :) t. Janne

Ps. Laittakaa lisää kuvia sieltä jonnekin kuvagalleriaan, tms.

Anonymous said...

We're still missing you guys over here!! I so wish I could be over there with you all..
Things are too ordinary here and I'm dying out of a need to pray and talk with you JAAKKO!!
I hope things are good with you, and PLEASE do put some pictures somewhere. Would be swell. :D

-Janne A.

Anonymous said...

Odotamme joka ilta malttamattomina uusia uutisia bloginne kautta.
Täällä sataa just vettä ja on +10 vain lämmintä. Käsittämätöntä, että
olette siellä toisella laidalla maapalloa ja kuitenkin näin voidaan
olla yhteydessä ja ennen kaikkea
Hengen yhteydessä. Olkaa siunattuja
te Joosuan joukot! We love you!
Äitiliini Terhi

Mia said...

Oi kun kiva sivusto!! :) Teillä on kyllä semmosta aikaa siellä ettei tule samanmoista toiste. Isin siunausta ja huolenpitoa!

Mia needs a beanie in Brivegas.