Tuesday, 05 June 2007


It´s now 22.30 and we have had our first full day in south africa. We got to sleep in and had a wonderfull wake up as we saw how beautifull it looked outside. We went to a mall called Riverside mall. We wondered around and were fascinated by the south african people. We tried to find a cheap shop that we could find some clothes, books and CD´s. We were astonished of how much you can by with little money if you find the right places. We shopped untill 14.00 and after that went eating to a restaurant within the mall. The mall was quite big for a finnish student from Oulu, as it was a kilometer long. After we got back from the mall we had a short time with our host families. And then gathered as a group to share our thoughts and to prepare the next day´s actions, as we are going to the AIDS clinic. More of that tomorrow. Now it time for us to go to bed and wish you all a good night. With blessings, team South Africa.


Anonymous said...

Missing you guys....i guess it also reminds me to pray for y'all. His mercies are new every morning. Solve conflicts and missunderstandings by talking, and love oneanother, if not as you love yourselves then as Christ has loved you :) God's provisions and protection upon y'all

Anonymous said...

We wanna be there already!
Sounds very exciting...
Remember to film everything, so we don´t miss a thing :D
We r doing helmikoruja and praying here for you guys.
hugs and kisses: Susu & Annika

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. Share the love of God and spread the good news. Our God reigns! Special message for Laura: my love, be strong and courageous!

- your sister in Him ;)

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.