Monday, 04 June 2007


Here we are in Johannesburg sitting in a minibus on our way to Nelspruit. God already made a miracle when three of us were missing student ID and VR official let them travel with student prices.
Things got wild in Madrid when part of the team were dancing and singing at the airport. Some of us felt thrilled to be on a Spanish speaking ground and get to order things in Spanish. Cafe con Leche was heavenly.
Last flight from Madrid to Johannesburg everyone was sleeping. We just passed a gold mountain and road goes on...


Anonymous said...

"Lakatkaa te huolehtimasta! Tietäkää, että minä olen Jumala, kaikkia kansoja mahtavampi, korkein koko maailmassa." Ps. 46:10

Herralla on kaikki valta! Herra on kaiken yllä! Herra on suvereeni Jumala!
Ja silti: Herra on siellä teidän rinnallanne kulkemassa, lempeällä äänellä neuvomassa, suloisesti hoivaamassa.

Mitenhän musta tuntuukin siltä, että yllätytte itsekin siitä mitä HÄN tulee tekemään matkanne aikana =)

Siunaten, Marja V.

Anonymous said...

Voi rakkaat. Siellä te nyt ootte. Minä täällä helteisessä Suomessa etsin kuumeisesti matkalaukkua:P
Ilmoittakaa jos jotakin tärkeää on unohtunut, me tuodaan :)
Ooh. I cannot wait to come there too. Be blessed!
Rock for God with all your heart!

Anonymous said...

Muistakaa pitää pistoke kohdallaan että virta kulkee, ei lamppukaan pala ilman virtaa, niin ladatkaan vaan sitä sanaa se kantaa jopa paremmin kuin ruoka ;)


Anonymous said...

God bless you all over there!!
Remember that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do through you. Die to yourself and your fears and you will see the God of Glory truly work in you and through you. Just trust His promises and keep walking the good road.

Hebrews 13:5

-Janne A.

Anonymous said...

I live in South Africa. I find it cool that you guys are coming here...I can honestly say that my general opinion of Finland was that it wasn`t Christian that much. In the past i would have expected South Africa needing to be the one reaching out to Finland. I guess i was wrong ;)
I`m sure you will also have a lot of fun here. Reaching out is about those we reach out to, but also for our own souls.

For those that havn`t been too SA sure is not what people tend to expect...
Animals don`t roam the street lol :P Thank goodness not everyone believes that.

In South Africa I believe you will see two extremes...
1) poverty
2) prosperity

But i believe God is levelling things out a bit through the years and i believe SA is growing for the better :)

Who knows...maybe u guys will visit my church one day
