Friday, 08 June 2007

Building up

Sand, sunshine and shovels. Today we were helping to lay a foundation for a centre which is to reach 100 000 orphans in the surrounding area. It was fun to work with the guys from the community; they were eager to show us what to do and to teach us some Swati language. Lunch, maize meal and sardines, was served outside on colorful plastic plates. The shortage of water in South Africa we experienced when washing up; 20 plates, spoons and a few tin pots were all washed with a rag and half a liter of cold water. We had a wonderful though quite tiring day. Maybe even more than accomplishing something ourselves in some way we were all personally built up..

Thanks for your prayers. Good night.


1 comment:

brookenicole said...

laura: ) hey dahlin'! hope you guys sleep soundly and that the Lord would wake you all with songs of joy! may you guys walk in His power. "not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almight" Zech.4:6